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Jerusalem’s King David Hotel To Band: Some Find The Yarmulke And Tzitzis Offensive

tzitzisMembers of a religious bank were instructed by management of King David Hotel in Jerusalem to remove their yarmulkes and hide their tzitzis since some guests found the religious symbols offensive, Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) reported.

According to the report, the hotel invited the Inbalim (ענבלים) orchestra to perform for hotel staff, most being Arab. A half hour before the event hotel officials noticed two of the band members wore kippot. They were asked to remove them and hide tzitzis to avoid offending the Arab staff.

Band manager Noam Cohen, who happens to be non-religious, refused the request but offered they would all wear caps, the religious and non-religious band members alike so they would appear the same. However, the shameful incident did not end here for they saw one of the religious performers displayed his tzitzis, which he was asked to hide inside his pants.

According to Galei Tzahal, hotel manager Chaim Shkedy explained “I am not ashamed over what I said for I speak the truth. I asked for an Arab band for tonight. When I arrived I saw guys with kippot. I asked ‘for an Arab audience you bring fellows with kippot? Does this sound logical? For an event in honor of Muslims to davka do so’”.

Band leader Cohen asked why he views the situation this way and another hotel official is quoted saying “you live in the same country as I and this is simply an effort to exhibit respect to a segment of the population, nothing more”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. I’m just imagining which hotel would currently be under siege, had this situation been in the US with asking for a “white band”

  2. Amazing – in any democracy in the world, an act like this would have prompted Law suits upon laws suits..

    Only Leftist Jews have that self hatred justice…

    They wouldn’t say so if a Muslim would wear an hijaab..

  3. this makes no sense. The hotel wanted an Arab band. Jewish band shows up. send them home and get an Arab band, or deal with it…

  4. A rather stupid episode and really bad judgment. Don’t indict the entire hotel management for a bad decision. We’ve stayed there many times and they’ve always been very accommodating to our needs on Shabbos and yom tovim

  5. Doing so will be discrimination, segregation and turn Israel into an apartheid state against Jews that’s why

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